Monday, January 11, 2010

Letter: Dear Jenny,

Dear Jenny,

Last year I casually watched you document a year of eating salad. Usually you sent out a weekly picture that looked something like this:

Photo Credit: Jenny @ SimpleLifeLove

I'll be honest, at first I thought I would get a wash of new salad combinations and recipes, daily postings and inspirations. When I realized you weren't flooding your blog with salad postings, I learned to pop by once in a while and get a quick review of all your greens. It didn't make me eat more salad by the way. That was unfortunate.

But when I read your review of your experience at the end of the year, you said this:

"Would I recommend a year of salad goal? YES! Really, its been fun. And it isn't as hard as it may seem! You can do it!"

Maybe it had to do with the fact that I made a plethora of resolutions in 2009 that I soon forgot. I was unfocused, distracted, and undisciplined. Maybe it was the fact that someone actually invited me to do a specific resolution. So I thought about it starting January 1, and while I was thinking about it I ate a salad every day.

I don't know how to photo edit like that, and I swear I took a picture every day so far (just for fun). But now that I've uploaded my camera, I only found 3 pictures. Oh well.

So I guess it's official. Raw greens every day in 2010 for Mrs. Olsen!

Hoping Green turns me Lean in 2010


Kelly Bryson said...

I HIGHLY recommend 'Eat to Live' by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. If you want to eat salad, this book will back you up and teach how salad will protect your body against disease like cancer and heart disease, along with actual studies if you want the science. And great recipes. GREAT way to lose weight and not feel empty. You'll still have to detox from white sugar. processed foods, etc. but you won't feel like you're starving. Done advertising:)

Mrs. Olsen said...

Thanks Kelly. I just started reading you are what you eat and have enjoyed it (much of the same concepts about nixing processed foods and sugar). I'll check it out!

Jenny said...

Dear Mrs. Olsen,
Wowee! I'm very excited for you!

Yes, I could have done a lot better posting more salad inspiration and such. The truth is I don't think I used a recipe for any of my salads the entire year! I wanted it to be as doable as possible and sometimes recipes make things seem more complicated. Is that silly? So I just threw whatever sounded good at the time on my salads and it worked.

I could have made the whole project grander, and maybe I will one day. But mostly I just wanted to establish a great habit and make myself accountable and

WHAM! one year later and it feels awesome healthwise!

and then WHAM! one year later and Mrs. Olsen is eating a salad daily! What more could I have hoped for!

P.S. also I have been trying and want to get more into the whole detox from white sugar/processed food thing and I want D and future offspring to only eat organic meats. Let me know how you like that book.

P.P.S. Someday soon I would love to take a trip in your direction and visit and talk birth and other cool topics like all this food stuff.

Lee Family said...


Mrs. Olsen said...


I totally agree. Salad recipes can be a little over the top. I think you documented it fabulously. More than I will for sure. p.s. come over anytime. We should have a cookout with Janis and Greg sometime. game?

Kelly- I added this book on my swaptree list. So hopefully I will get it soon. If you haven't been to swaptree...check it out it is awesome-possum.

Lee Family? Um. Come over and I'll make you a salad topped with toe jam. That would be FUNNY ya? I'm funny right? Right?