Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Favorite Christmas Project

Not much of a crafter. But once in a while I get a bug to create something or take something and give it a little flair. This holiday season I got the bug and flourished a gift for Celeste, my tiny cute sister-in-law.

A) Purchase simple black knit jacket at the store. This was the canvas.

B) Take some old wool sweaters ( I bought some thrift ones) and felt them. This just means that their stitches get so tight, you can cut them up and they don't fray or come apart. All you have to do is wash them in super hot water. Cut them up before or after the wash.

C) After cutting out 3 words in Spanish, I hand-stitched them with some funky rainbow thread I had laying around. The knit jacket had a subtle gathered waist in the mid-section, so I placed them along the back and followed the seam line.

D) I incorporated a full sampling of felt to trim the hood of the jacket. Like many of the Olsen's, Celeste speaks Spanish. So she can translate.

Si Se Puerde = YES WE CAN


Anonymous said...

Cool! I've been wanting to try felting, but am too chicken. (no offense intended to yours)


Lee Family said...

Wendy's so funny.
Did you put that on because she loves Bob the Builder.

I've always thought of you as a creative genius.

Mrs. Olsen said...

Chickens. Good one Wendy.

Bob the Builder? who loves that? whatchoo talk about willis?

Monica said...

I love that jacket! You have to teach me how to do that the next time you come home, please!

Monica said...

I love that jacket! You have to teach me how to do that the next time you come home, please!

Lee Family said...

Can we build it?
Yes, we can!

Mrs. Olsen said...

I had no idea Bobby had that slogan.

Monica, you know I am in no position to teach you anything about homemaking stuff. If I teach you how to felt, you'll probably hand-stitch a cover for your trampoline or something.

Wait...that was dumb.

paula said...

I am so impressed! Girl's got some serious talent! I want to try this. I will probably be e-mailing you for a little instruction.