Thursday, October 21, 2010

Garden Recipe: Roasted Tomato Sauce (with Eyelash Soup)

This recipe is great for when you have a glut of tomatoes. And anyone who has ever escorted tomatoes through a salsa recipe requiring you to blanch, peel, core, and then de-seed the tomatoes will hopefully find a return of motivation to process their own food. No more wondering where half the tomato went, and no burning hands! I haven't tweaked around with it to see if it can be canned, so for long storage use your freezer.

This recipe is from The Weight Watcher's New Complete Cookbook. So if that's your thing, this sauce has zero points!

Here we go!

Roma Tomatoes are my favorite for this recipe, but any ripe tomato will work.

Sweet onions will give you the perfect amount of sweetness here. When I was a missionary in Georgia, I kept hearing about "Vuh-Day-uh Onions...sweet as apples". So if you can get a Vidalia Onion, think of over-sized oak trees dripping with moss and lazy porches while you're slicing it up for the pan. If that doesn't bring tears to your eyes, the onion will. I use one big onion for the two cookie sheets, or 2 small sweet onions, one for each pan.

Since my tomatoes were not romas, I sliced them in thick slices (bottom left). After the tomatoes and onions are cut up, add 1 or 2 cloves of minced garlic per sheet (or more if you are a garlic lover). Sprinkle salt and pepper; then drizzle balsamic vinegar on the pan (only about 1-2 tablespoons total of vinegar).

So after your oven is preheated to 375 degrees, cook for 50-55 minutes total. You will need to rotate the pans halfway through. This is a good time to invite friends and neighbors over, because your entire house will smell amazing! You will be so in love with your tomatoes, you will open the oven and bend your face to breathe in the smell. But roasting tomatoes tend to to heave a hefty wet aroma that will burn your face off.

I now have no eyelashes. Seriously. I do this every time. Consider yourself warned.

Your tomatoes and onions should be lightly browned. Pull them out and scoop them into a food processor. Now honestly, if you don't have a food processor then buy a blender with a food processor attachment. Do it today!

Pulse it all together until smooth but still chunky. I placed my bowl next to the blender so you had a reference of how much sauce it made. Cool to room temp and then freeze in 2-cup portions for up to 3 months.


Megan Smith said...

I saw that you mentioned about this on fb. I'm excited to try it-- it looks great. Thanks!--Megan

jennaloha said...

You had me at balsamic.

Anonymous said...

Save some for me. Wear sunglasses--it will protect those beautiful eyelashes. The old proofreader is back--check out the "your" that should be "you're." Love you.

Mrs. Olsen said...

Dangit mom. False! I can't find it and it's driving me crazy.

Anonymous said...

"porches while your slicing it up"

Mrs. Olsen said...

Doggone gone. Can't wait for our upcoming girls weekend so we can spell-check billboards together!